Saturday 21 February 2015

Thriller Opening (Research): Research into Audience Views on Thriller Films

This is some footage that Millie had taken and I decided to mess around with it edit it, this was us gathering some information on what people like in thriller films and what sort of elements we should include in our own.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Thriller Opening (Planning): Messing Around with Editing

Me and Millie have been messing around giving a shot at editing for our thriller movie when we tried to figure out how to make the knock at the start have more of a dramatic effect. This is when we came across the option to change the speed of the clip and messed about for a bit before finding the right speed to use. This was what happened;

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Thriller Opening (Planning): The Risk Assessment and Shooting Schedule

Below is the shooting schedule and the risk assessment we filled out before we started shooting for the thriller opening. They aren't too clear due to the camera we were using but you can still read it at least a little bit.