Friday 12 September 2014

Welcome to the Blog!

Welcome to the Blog!

I've never studied media studies before, and that's a fact... Not even made as blog before either. So this is all a first for me! I've been interested for a long while as to how a film is made along with TV dramas, from the special effects to the different camera shots. I'm a bit of a keen watcher when it comes to films and never knew, at this point, how everything was made and so, I took up this course.

A particular area in all of this which I'm interested in is the editing since I've wanted to know for quite a while. I also decided to take up the course in order to learn how to use the recording equipment properly and I'm very much looking forward to all of it.

The task that I've been given is to make a 2 and a half minute opening to a film. I'm looking forward to working with others when it comes to this! And I have a couple of ideas already.

Hopefully you'll enjoy the final film and well, the big finale at the end of this journey and work!

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