Tuesday 24 March 2015

Thriller Opening (Research): Cutaways, Jump Cuts and Match Cuts

I decided to do some more research into cutaways, jump cuts and match cuts to get a better idea of what we should do when it comes to editing in our thriller opening. I also thought it might help us out when it comes to things such as issues during the filming and the such. These types of editing though can also give us ideas as to how else we can incorporate them to create certain effects.

Cutaways - when a shot cuts from a person or the main action to an object, another person, a secondary action or the scene before cutting back to the person.
Jump cuts - a type of editing that is used in films to show a skip forward in time, it's quick and simple as two sequential shots of the same subject are taken from camera positions that vary only slightly.
Match cuts - cut between two different objects, two different spaces, or even two different compositions in which whatever is in the camera's view matches graphically and helps to establish continuity and links the two shots together.

Below is a video I watched that helped me to understand the different shots in more detail so I would be able to use them a bit better when it comes to filming the thriller opening.

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