Thursday 22 January 2015

Thriller Opening (Research): The 6 Stages of Media Production

There are six stages to media production and here they are;

Financing: This stage comes before pre-production, and involves budget forecasting, finding investors, and is the most important stage in media production as it decides on how things will run from then out, whether everything will run smoothly or there being some sort of issues.

Screenplay: Another stage that comes before pre-production, screenplay is defined as being a written piece of work by the makers of a film or television programme.

Pre-Production: This consists of processes such as the planning, the scripting and the storyboards as well as other things but these are the main parts of pre-production as it's very much all the planning and ideas stages, storyboarding is seen as a difficult task due to the amount of time you need to put into making it accurate and the fact that it needs to be updated if a new scene or something has been changed.

Production: The fourth stage and the most obvious one as it's the shooting of the film and carrying out the processes that is needed in order to produce the film itself. This also includes recording sounds that are needed in the opening.

Post-Production: The fifth stage of media production is post-production which consists of editing different shots and creating the final piece. It's the one stage where everything finally links together in order to create the final masterpiece.

Distribution: This is the final stage and is thinking how to distribute the final piece and advertise it to an audience, this includes things such as film prints, CD/DVD and the lot.

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